Thursday, September 16, 2010

Old Before My Time

Only for a fleeting period in your life will you ever find this position comfortable. The moment you need a crane to hoist you by the armpits from this sitting position while simultaneously wondering if you'll ever regain full use of your legs again, you are officially grown up.  

This is my son, Pupu Panda. Guess how he got that nickname? That's another story. Anyway, he's 4. After dinner we were coloring and he said "Mom, are you and dad married?" I said "Yes, we are." And he said "When I grow up I want to marry you." As weird as that sounded in an Oedipus Complex-y way, I had to wipe away a tear before it could drop on his page. I said "Honey, you can't marry your mother. Besides, wouldn't you want to marry somebody your own age?" And without looking up from his coloring he said "cos when I grow up, you'll be old and then die?" Nonchalant little bugger, isn't he? Moment over.

I should've know that age would be today's recurring theme. When I brought my eldest son, Ian to school this morning I leaned over to give him a kiss which is what I've always done before sending him off with "work hard!" (which BBC claims is a better pep talk than "have fun!"). Where was I? Oh yeah, I leaned to kiss him and he instinctively took a step back. When he saw the reaction on my face, I can imagine it was something like "What?! You want to cut off my right arm and feed it to your rottweiler?", he took a quick look around the hallway, ascertained that we were alone and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Why don't you just kill me now rather than the slow, painful march toward "old then die"?

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